The bigger a bill gets the less anyone understands it and junk slips in that is overlooked. Politicians should be held more accountable for their votes. Their excuse is some bad things have to be excepted in order to get the good things in the bill. For any bill over 10 pages in length we should require a separate recorded vote on every 10 pages of legislation. There is incentive for them to actually read and consider what they vote on if they know we can hold them more accountable. This would slow down the process so that only issues with broad support are voted on.
Studies have shown 90% of child cusody cases are determined by the sex of the parent, a clear sign of judicial prejudice. Judges should be required to clearly state which statutes apply to justify their rulings? If prejudice is apparent it would allow grounds for an appeal. The state employs hundreds to enforce the payment of child support payments while ignoring the enforcement of visitation rights. Children should not lose their rights of access to a parent because the adults can't get along.
Government is not the answer to every problem in life. We need a return of morals and common sense.
I want to shrink government. I believe as individuals we should be free to live with minimal government intrusion. We must accept personal responsibility. It is more effective for compassion to come from individuals rather than government.